Tuesday, February 12, 2013


My life group on Sunday at church has started a new study on worry. We are all in deep discussion about how worry and anxiety to some may show a lack of faith in God. On a manic day I would probably agree but on a depressed day I would refuted until I was blue in the face. I am stable now so I sat there in my own head thinking. We are so quick to judge. I see all these posts on Facebook about the invisible illness. You never know who may be suffering with a mental illness because it is an invisible illness. I myself have shared them to try and spread the awareness in hopes that people will start to think before they start judging so quickly. You never know what a person may be suffering with. I'm guilty of this and I suffer! To say that one has a lack of faith because they worry or have anxiety about situations is an unfair assumption because you don't know what that person is dealing with.

There was a time when no one knew I had a mental illness and I too have been judged on occasion! Everyone had an opinion about me. Like the first time I went to a church group and later down the road one of my friends said, "well they all thought you were a bitch". Wow! A church group?

I wonder if they took the time to think before they so quickly judged. So because I don't talk much in unfamiliar situations, because I am shy, because I am socially awkward, because I have a little bit of social anxiety and because I have bipolar disorder and DIFFERENT from them they are quick to judge. They didn't know what that difference was of course and obviously didn't take the time to think about it before coming to their conclusions. They just whispered behind my back like cowards. Gossiping. I hate gossip and I hate when someone wants to talk about others behind there back.

Anyway, back to the original topic. We are in my life group and worrying is a sign of lack of faith to some. I can completely see where people can think of it that way. Maybe sometimes that is the fact. They need to have faith in God to pull them through their worries. I was happy to hear one of the people in the group point out that there are those who have a mental illness and can't help the worry or anxiety. Praise God! People are starting to think before making assumptions. This matters to me because of what happened in that church group where some of the girls thought I was a bitch before taking a step back and thinking. I wish more people would start thinking about what the other person may be going through or dealing with before they label them with lack of faith or otherwise.

I am not like everyone else. My brain fires differently than the healthy person's brain fires.  I sometimes do and say things that healthy people wouldn't say. My moods can only be partially controlled by a mood stabilizer, anti-depressants, and anti-anxiety medication. I say partially controlled because even with those medications, everyday for the rest of my life, I am still ill. They don't have chemo for my illness. It is here and it is here to stay. So, I may not act like a normal person. I may say things that normal people wouldn't say. I may do things that normal people wouldn't do.  I will get depressed beyond what a normal person calls depression. There is no light at the end of my tunnel. I can't get off the couch. I can't pray. I don't want to go on living. Someone may have it worse but I am right there on their heels. I will get manic. I will think I am the best thing going, that I have the best idea's, that I am the most beautiful woman in the world, that I am better than you and do things that are unthinkable for a Christian girl to be doing (we won't go there). And that's medicated folks!

There is almost nothing that I hate more than for someone to throw out the cliches to me. I want to strangle them. Things like....there is a light at the end of the tunnel, just pray, I'll pray for you, someone always has it worse than you, look on the bright side and look at what you have been blessed with.

Anyway. I wasn't upset in my life group when worry being a lack of faith was being discussed. I was stuck in my head thinking, do I have a lack of faith and am I not a good enough Christian? Then mental illness was brought into the discussion and brought me back to my reality. I don't have a lack of faith and I am good enough. God knows better than anyone what He has given me and He knows that I do my very best at my worse. God spoke so loudly to me on Sunday and I am so thankful to have been in there. God reassured me that I am His child and I am good enough through all my worry and anxiety because he knows I am ill. God worked through people in my life group that day and I am thankful to God and to those people who were there Sunday.

Now with all of this being said. I am struggling in my head whether or not I should share this on Facebook because it doesn't necessarily shed a good light on the church. Here is the thing, the church is a body of people not a building. Where you have a body of people you will have tons of differences. That body of people all happen to be sinners. Things are going to be said and you take it with a grain of salt. Some things can be very hurtful and I hope to bring awareness with this post. With my blog post today it was important to talk about my experience. It's mine after all.  But if we are being honest here, and I am, in every church there are these situations like mine where I was judged so quickly and labeled. We are all human, we are all sinners and just because people go to Church doesn't mean they are perfect. We are supposed to be different from the rest of the world and be Christ-like. People have high expectations of church goers (I guess STIGMA is everywhere). That we are perfect people or something. Maybe that is what some try and portray but not I! I am in no way trying to shed a bad light on the church, I am shedding an honest light. My experience that will hopefully help someone else. Some things may be better left unsaid to some. To me I don't leave to many things unsaid. I guess if I am writing a book I might as well post it on Facebook.


  1. Excellent post! I totally relate.

  2. i admire your honesty but I can't relate with the part that you said you can't control worrying & anxiety. My mind is different & often it is too occupied thanking and praising God for His blessings. I like to sing praises on my own sometimes as well, it helps clear off anxious and worrying thoughts. I've learned that praise is a warfare. I've noticed as well that people who does not like to worship God through songs are mostly depressed people.
